In Store Payment Options-
J4 Trailer offers a variety of payment options in their store to provide customers with flexibility and help them avoid credit card fees. Customers can choose to pay via cash or check, which allows them to bypass the 3% fee applied to credit card transactions. Additionally, J4 Trailer partners with Sheffield Financial, Trailer Solution Financial, and Clicklease to offer financing solutions tailored to diverse customer needs. By providing these and many other alternatives, J4 Trailer ensures that customers can select the payment method that best suits their financial preferences.
Finance Options are on Lending page.
Preferred Payment Method- Check/Cash/Wire Transfer
If needed- Mail Checks to :
PO Box 2447
Fredericksburg, TX 78624
Wire Transfer Information available upon request.
Credit Card- 3% fee
Request a Quickbooks Invoice through text/email- pay with your bank.
Mobile Apps- (No Fee)